Castaldi, S., Bertolini, T., Valente, A.,
Chiti, T., and Valentini, R.:2013. Nitrous oxide emissions from soil of an
African rain forest in Ghana, Biogeosciences, 10, 4179-4187
Recent atmospheric studies have evidenced the imprint of large N2O
sources in tropical/subtropical lands. This source might be attributed to
agricultural areas as well as to natural humid ecosystems. The uncertainty
related to both sources is very high, due to the scarcity of data and low
frequency of sampling in tropical studies, especially for the African
continent. The principal objective of this work was to quantify the annual
budget of N2O emissions in an African tropical rain forest. Soil
N2O emissions were measured over 19 months in Ghana, National Park of
Ankasa, in uphill and downhill areas, for a total of 119 days of observation.
The calculated annual average emission was
2.33 ± 0.20 kg N-N2O ha−1 yr−1, taking into
account the proportion of uphill vs. downhill areas, the latter being
characterized by lower N2O emissions. N2O fluxes peaked between
June and August and were significantly correlated with soil respiration on a
daily and monthly basis. No clear correlation was found in the uphill area
between N2O fluxes and soil water content or rain, whereas in the
downhill area soil water content concurred with soil respiration in
determining N2O flux variability. The N2O source strength
calculated in this study is very close to those reported for the other two
available studies in African rain forests and to the estimated mean derived
from worldwide studies in humid tropical forests
(2.81 ± 2.02 kg N-N2O ha−1 yr−1).
We have created this Blog and the database to provide a place where the scientific community can share and update the fast growing knowledge and data on the study of greenhouse gas CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes in Africa.
We are grateful for the numerous researchers and technicians who provide invaluable data. It is impossible to cite all the references due to limited space allowed and we apologize for the authors whose work has not been cited.
Lompo et al. 2012. Gaseous emissions of nitrogen and carbon from urban vegetable gardens in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175, 846-853
Lompo, D.J.-P., Sangaré, S.A.K., Compaoré, E., Papoada Sedogo, M., Predotova, M., Schlecht, E., Buerkert, A., 2012. Gaseous emissions of nitrogen and carbon from urban vegetable gardens in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175, 846-853
Urban and
peri-urban agriculture (UPA) is an important livelihood strategy for the
urban poor in sub-Saharan Africa and contributes to meeting increasing
food demands in the rapidly growing cities. Although in recent years
many research activities have been geared towards enhancing the
productivity of this land-use system, little is known about turnover
processes and nutrient efficiency of UPA. The aim of our study therefore
was to determine horizontal fluxes of N, P, K, and C as well as gaseous
N and C emissions in urban vegetable gardens of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina
Faso. Two gardens referred to as “Kodéni” and “Kuinima” were selected
as representative for urban and peri-urban systems classified as: (1)
“commercial gardening + field crops and livestock system” and (2)
“commercial gardening and semicommercial field crop system”,
respectively. A nutrient-balance approach was used to monitor matter
fluxes from March 2008 to March 2009 in both gardens. Ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions from the respective soils were measured during the coolest
and the hottest period of the day using a closed-chamber system. Annual
partial balances amounted to 2056 kg N ha–1, 615 kg P ha–1, 1864 kg K ha–1, and 33 893 kg C ha–1 at Kodéni and to 1752 kg N ha–1, 446 kg P ha–1, 1643 kg K ha–1, and 21 021 kg C ha–1
at Kuinima. Emission rates were highest during the hot midday hours
with peaks after fertilizer applications when fluxes of up to 1140 g NH3-N ha–1 h–1, 154 g N2O-N ha–1 h–1, 12 993 g CO2-C ha–1 h–1 were recorded for Kodéni and Kuinima. Estimated annual gaseous N (NH3-N + N2O-N) and C (CO2-C + CH4-C) losses reached 419 kg N ha–1 and 35 862 kg C ha–1 at Kodéni and 347 kg N ha–1 and 22 364 kg C ha–1 at Kuinima. For both gardens, this represented 20% and 106% of the N and C surpluses, respectively. Emissions of NH3,
largely emitted after surface application of manure and mineral
fertilizers, accounted for 73% and 77% of total estimated N losses for
Kodéni and Kuinima. To mitigate N losses nutrient-management practices
in UPA vegetable production of Bobo-Dioulasso would greatly benefit from
better synchronizing nutrient-input rates with crop demands.
Nyamadzawo et al. 2012. The Effect of Catena Position on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Dambo Located Termite (Odontotermes transvaalensis) Mounds from Central Zimbabwe. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 2(4), 502-509
G., Gotosa, J., Muvengwi, J., Wuta, M., Nyamangara, J., Nyamugafata,
P., & Smith, J. L. (2012). The Effect of Catena Position on
Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Dambo Located Termite (Odontotermes
transvaalensis) Mounds from Central Zimbabwe. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 2(4), 502-509
Methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2)O) are greenhouse gases (GHGs) which cause global warming. Natural sources of GHGs include wetlands and termites. Previous studies have quantified GHG emissions from upland termites and no study has reported GHG emissions from seasonal wetlands (dambo) located termite mounds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of dambo catena position on termite mound distribution and GHG emissions. It was hypothesized that mound density and GHG emissions from Odontotermes transvaalensis mounds, vary with catena position. The evaluated catena positions were margin, mid-slope, lower slope and bottom. Mound density was significantly lower in the bottom when compared to the other catena positions. The mean GHG fluxes were 88 µg m2 hr-1, 0.78 mg m2 hr-1 and 1361 mg m2 hr-1 for N2) O, CH4 and CO2 respectively. Fluxes varied with catena position and were 0.48, 0.72, 1.35 and 0.79 mg m-2 hr-1 for CH4 , and 1173.7, 1440.7, 1798.7 and 922.8 mg m-2 hr-1 for CO2 in the margin, mid-slope, lower slope and the bottom catena position respectively. For N2) O, there were no significant differences between catena positions. It was concluded that dambo located Odontotermes transvaalensis termite mounds are an important source of GHGs, and emissions varied with catena position for CO2 and CH4.
Methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2)O) are greenhouse gases (GHGs) which cause global warming. Natural sources of GHGs include wetlands and termites. Previous studies have quantified GHG emissions from upland termites and no study has reported GHG emissions from seasonal wetlands (dambo) located termite mounds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of dambo catena position on termite mound distribution and GHG emissions. It was hypothesized that mound density and GHG emissions from Odontotermes transvaalensis mounds, vary with catena position. The evaluated catena positions were margin, mid-slope, lower slope and bottom. Mound density was significantly lower in the bottom when compared to the other catena positions. The mean GHG fluxes were 88 µg m2 hr-1, 0.78 mg m2 hr-1 and 1361 mg m2 hr-1 for N2) O, CH4 and CO2 respectively. Fluxes varied with catena position and were 0.48, 0.72, 1.35 and 0.79 mg m-2 hr-1 for CH4 , and 1173.7, 1440.7, 1798.7 and 922.8 mg m-2 hr-1 for CO2 in the margin, mid-slope, lower slope and the bottom catena position respectively. For N2) O, there were no significant differences between catena positions. It was concluded that dambo located Odontotermes transvaalensis termite mounds are an important source of GHGs, and emissions varied with catena position for CO2 and CH4.
Rees et al. 2012. Nitrous oxide emissions from European agriculture; an analysis of variability and drivers of emissions from field experiments, Biogeosciences Discuss., 9, 9259-9288, doi:10.5194/bgd-9-9259-2012, 2012.
Rees, R. M., Augustin, J., Alberti, G., Ball, B. C., Boeckx, P., Cantarel, A., Castaldi, S., Chirinda, N., Chojnicki, B., Giebels, M., Gordon, H., Grosz, B., Horvath, L., Juszczak, R., Klemedtsson, Å. K., Klemedtsson, L., Medinets, S., Machon, A., Mapanda, F., Nyamangara, J., Olesen, J., Reay, D., Sanchez, L., Sanz Cobena, A., Smith, K. A., Sowerby, A., Sommer, M., Soussana, J. F., Stenberg, M., Topp, C. F. E., van Cleemput, O., Vallejo, A., Watson, C. A., and Wuta, M. 2013. Nitrous oxide emissions from European agriculture; an analysis of variability and drivers of emissions from field experiments, Biogeosciences, 10, 2671-2682, doi:10.5194/bg-10-2671-2013
Nitrous oxide emissions from a network of agricultural experiments in Europe and Zimbabwe were used to explore the relative importance of site and management controls of emissions. At each site, a selection of management interventions were compared within replicated experimental designs in plot based experiments. Arable experiments were conducted at Beano in Italy, El Encin in Spain, Foulum in Denmark, Logården in Sweden, Maulde in Belgium, Paulinenaue in Germany, Harare in Zimbabwe and Tulloch in the UK. Grassland experiments were conducted at Crichton, Nafferton and Peaknaze in the UK, Gödöllö in Hungary, Rzecin in Poland, Zarnekow in Germany and Theix in France. Nitrous oxide emissions were measured at each site over a period of at least two years using static chambers. Emissions varied widely between sites and as a result of manipulation treatments. Average site emissions (throughout the study period) varied between 0.04 and 21.21 kg N2O-N ha−1 yr−1, with the largest fluxes and variability associated with the grassland sites. Total nitrogen addition was found to be the single most important determinant of emissions, accounting for 15% of the variance (using linear regression) in the data from the arable sites (p < 0.0001), and 77% in the grassland sites. The annual emissions from arable sites were significantly greater than those that would be predicted by IPCC default emission factors. Variability in N2O within sites that occurred as a result of manipulation treatments was greater than that resulting from site to site and year to year variation, highlighting the importance of management interventions in contributing to greenhouse gas mitigation.
Nitrous oxide emissions from a network of agricultural experiments in Europe and Zimbabwe were used to explore the relative importance of site and management controls of emissions. At each site, a selection of management interventions were compared within replicated experimental designs in plot based experiments. Arable experiments were conducted at Beano in Italy, El Encin in Spain, Foulum in Denmark, Logården in Sweden, Maulde in Belgium, Paulinenaue in Germany, Harare in Zimbabwe and Tulloch in the UK. Grassland experiments were conducted at Crichton, Nafferton and Peaknaze in the UK, Gödöllö in Hungary, Rzecin in Poland, Zarnekow in Germany and Theix in France. Nitrous oxide emissions were measured at each site over a period of at least two years using static chambers. Emissions varied widely between sites and as a result of manipulation treatments. Average site emissions (throughout the study period) varied between 0.04 and 21.21 kg N2O-N ha−1 yr−1, with the largest fluxes and variability associated with the grassland sites. Total nitrogen addition was found to be the single most important determinant of emissions, accounting for 15% of the variance (using linear regression) in the data from the arable sites (p < 0.0001), and 77% in the grassland sites. The annual emissions from arable sites were significantly greater than those that would be predicted by IPCC default emission factors. Variability in N2O within sites that occurred as a result of manipulation treatments was greater than that resulting from site to site and year to year variation, highlighting the importance of management interventions in contributing to greenhouse gas mitigation.
Gharahi Ghehi et al. 2012. Spatial variations of nitrogen trace gas emissions from tropical mountain forests in Nyungwe, Rwanda, Biogeosciences, 9, 1451-1463
Gharahi Ghehi, N., Werner, C.,
Cizungu Ntaboba, L., Mbonigaba Muhinda, J. J., Van Ranst, E.,
Butterbach-Bahl, K., Kiese, R., and Boeckx, P.: Spatial variations of
nitrogen trace gas emissions from tropical mountain forests in Nyungwe,
Rwanda, Biogeosciences, 9, 1451-1463, doi:10.5194/bg-9-1451-2012, 2012.
Globally, tropical forest soils represent the second largest source of N2O and NO. However, there is still considerable uncertainty on the spatial variability and soil properties controlling N trace gas emission. Therefore, we carried out an incubation experiment with soils from 31 locations in the Nyungwe tropical mountain forest in southwestern Rwanda. All soils were incubated at three different moisture levels (50, 70 and 90 % water filled pore space (WFPS)) at 17 °C. Nitrous oxide emission varied between 4.5 and 400 μg N m−2 h−1, while NO emission varied from 6.6 to 265 μg N m−2 h−1. Mean N2O emission at different moisture levels was 46.5 ± 11.1 (50 %WFPS), 71.7 ± 11.5 (70 %WFPS) and 98.8 ± 16.4 (90 %WFPS) μg N m−2 h−1, while mean NO emission was 69.3 ± 9.3 (50 %WFPS), 47.1 ± 5.8 (70 %WFPS) and 36.1 ± 4.2 (90 %WFPS) μg N m−2 h−1. The latter suggests that climate (i.e. dry vs. wet season) controls N2O and NO emissions. Positive correlations with soil carbon and nitrogen indicate a biological control over N2O and NO production. But interestingly N2O and NO emissions also showed a positive correlation with free iron and a negative correlation with soil pH (only N2O). The latter suggest that chemo-denitrification might, at least for N2O, be an important production pathway. In conclusion improved understanding and process based modeling of N trace gas emission from tropical forests will benefit from spatially explicit trace gas emission estimates linked to basic soil property data and differentiating between biological and chemical pathways for N trace gas formation.
Globally, tropical forest soils represent the second largest source of N2O and NO. However, there is still considerable uncertainty on the spatial variability and soil properties controlling N trace gas emission. Therefore, we carried out an incubation experiment with soils from 31 locations in the Nyungwe tropical mountain forest in southwestern Rwanda. All soils were incubated at three different moisture levels (50, 70 and 90 % water filled pore space (WFPS)) at 17 °C. Nitrous oxide emission varied between 4.5 and 400 μg N m−2 h−1, while NO emission varied from 6.6 to 265 μg N m−2 h−1. Mean N2O emission at different moisture levels was 46.5 ± 11.1 (50 %WFPS), 71.7 ± 11.5 (70 %WFPS) and 98.8 ± 16.4 (90 %WFPS) μg N m−2 h−1, while mean NO emission was 69.3 ± 9.3 (50 %WFPS), 47.1 ± 5.8 (70 %WFPS) and 36.1 ± 4.2 (90 %WFPS) μg N m−2 h−1. The latter suggests that climate (i.e. dry vs. wet season) controls N2O and NO emissions. Positive correlations with soil carbon and nitrogen indicate a biological control over N2O and NO production. But interestingly N2O and NO emissions also showed a positive correlation with free iron and a negative correlation with soil pH (only N2O). The latter suggest that chemo-denitrification might, at least for N2O, be an important production pathway. In conclusion improved understanding and process based modeling of N trace gas emission from tropical forests will benefit from spatially explicit trace gas emission estimates linked to basic soil property data and differentiating between biological and chemical pathways for N trace gas formation.
Caquet et al. 2012. Soil carbon balance in a tropical grassland: Estimation of soil respiration and its partitioning using a semi-empirical model
Caquet, B., De Grandcourt, A., Thongo M’bou, A., Epron, D., Kinana, A., Saint André, L., and Nouvellon, Y.: Soil carbon balance in a tropical grassland: Estimation of soil respiration and its partitioning using a semi-empirical model, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 158-159, 71-79, 2012.
In savannah and tropical grasslands, which account for 60% of grasslands worldwide, a large share of ecosystem carbon is located below ground due to high root:shoot ratios. Temporal variations in soil CO2 efflux (RS) were investigated in a grassland of coastal Congo over two years. The objectives were (1) to identify the main factors controlling seasonal variations in RS and (2) to develop a semi-empirical model describing RS and including a heterotrophic component (RH) and an autotrophic component (RA). Plant above-ground activity was found to exert strong control over soil respiration since 71% of seasonal RS variability was explained by the quantity of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed (APAR) by the grass canopy. We tested an additive model including a parameter enabling RS partitioning into RA and RH. Assumptions underlying this model were that RA mainly depended on the amount of photosynthates allocated below ground and that microbial and root activity was mostly controlled by soil temperature and soil moisture. The model provided a reasonably good prediction of seasonal variations in RS (R2 = 0.85) which varied between 5.4 μmol m−2 s−1 in the wet season and 0.9 μmol m−2 s−1 at the end of the dry season. The model was subsequently used to obtain annual estimates of RS, RA and RH. In accordance with results reported for other tropical grasslands, we estimated that RH accounted for 44% of RS, which represented a flux similar to the amount of carbon brought annually to the soil from below-ground litter production. Overall, this study opens up prospects for simulating the carbon budget of tropical grasslands on a large scale using remotely sensed data.
Kim, D.-G., 2012. Estimation of net gain of soil carbon in a nitrogen-fixing tree and crop intercropping system in sub-Saharan Africa: results from re-examining a study.
Kim, D.-G., 2012. Estimation of net gain of soil carbon in a nitrogen-fixing tree and crop intercropping system in sub-Saharan Africa: results from re-examining a study. Agroforestry Systems, doi:10.1007/s10457-011-9477-1
Nitrogen (N)-fixing tree and crop intercropping systems can be a sustainable agricultural practice in sub-Saharan Africa and can also contribute to resolving climate change through enhancing soil carbon (C) sequestration. A study conducted by Makumba et al. (Agric Ecosyst Environ 118:237–243, 2007) on the N-fixing tree gliricidia and maize intercropping system in southern Malawi provides a rare dataset of both sequestered soil C and C loss as soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. However, no soil C gain and loss estimates were made so the study failed to show the net gain of soil C. Also absent from this study was potential benefit or negative impact related to the other greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions from the intercropping system. Using the data provided in Makumba et al. (Agric Ecosyst Environ 118:237–243, 2007) a C loss as soil CO2 emissions (51.2 ± 0.4 Mg C ha−1) was estimated, amounting to 67.4% of the sequestered soil C (76 ± 8.6 Mg C ha−1 in 0–2 m soil depth) for the first 7 years in the intercropping system. An annual net gain of soil C of 3.5 Mg C ha−1 year−1 was estimated from soil C sequestered and lost. Inclusion of the potential for N2O mitigation [0.12–1.97 kg N2O–N ha−1 year−1, 0.036–0.59 Mg CO2 equivalents (eq.) ha−1 year−1] within this intercropping system mitigation as CO2 eq. basis was estimated to be 3.5–4.1 Mg CO2 eq. ha−1 year−1. These results suggest that reducing N2O emission can significantly increase the overall mitigation benefit from the intercropping system. However, significant uncertainties are associated with estimating the effect of intercropping on soil N2O and CH4 emissions. These results stress the importance of including consideration of quantifying soil CO2, N2O and CH4 emissions when quantifying the C sequestration potential in intercropping system.
Sugihara et al. 2012. Effects of land management on CO2 flux and soil C stock in two Tanzanian croplands with contrasting soil texture
Sugihara, S., Funakawa, S., Kilasara, M., and Kosaki, T.: Effects of land management on CO2 flux and soil C stock in two Tanzanian croplands with contrasting soil texture, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 46, 1-9, 2012.
Evaluation of carbon dynamics is of great concern worldwide in terms of climate change and soil fertility. However, the annual CO2 flux and the effect of land management on the carbon budget are poorly understood in Sub-Saharan Africa, owing to the relative dearth of data for in situ CO2 fluxes. Here, we evaluated seasonal variations in CO2 efflux rate with hourly climate data in two dry tropical croplands in Tanzania at two sites with contrasting soil textures, viz. clayey or sandy, over four consecutive crop-cultivation periods of 40 months. We then: (1) estimated the annual CO2 flux, and (2) evaluated the effect of land management (control plot, plant residue treatment plot, fertilizer treatment plot, and plant residue and fertilizer treatment plot) on the CO2 flux and soil carbon stock at both sites. Estimated annual CO2 fluxes were 1.0–2.2 and 0.9–1.9 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 for the clayey and sandy sites, respectively. At the end of the experiment, crop cultivation had decreased the surface soil carbon stocks by 2.4 and 3.0 Mg C ha−1 (soil depth 0–15 cm) at the clayey and sandy sites, respectively. On the other hand, plant residue application (7.5 Mg C ha−1 yr−1) significantly increased the surface soil carbon stocks, i.e., 3.5–3.8 and 1.7–2.1 Mg C ha−1 (soil depth 0–15 cm) at the clayey and sandy sites, respectively, while it also increased the annual CO2 fluxes substantially, i.e., 2.5–4.0 and 2.4–3.4 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 for the clayey and sandy soils, respectively. Our results indicate that these dry tropical croplands at least may act as a carbon sink, though the efficiency of carbon accumulation was substantially lower in sandy soil (6.8–8.4%) compared to clayey soil (14.0–15.2%), possibly owing to higher carbon loss by leaching and macro-faunal activity.
Saunders et al. 2011. Agricultural encroachment: Implications for carbon sequestration in tropical African wetlands
Saunders, M.J., Kansiime, F., Jones, M.B., 2011. Agricultural encroachment: Implications for carbon sequestration in tropical African wetlands. Global Change Biology, 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02633.x.
Tropical wetlands have been shown to exhibit high rates of net primary productivity and may therefore play an important role in global climate change mitigation through carbon assimilation and sequestration. Many permanently flooded areas of tropical East Africa are dominated by the highly productive C4 emergent macrophyte sedge, Cyperus papyrus L. (papyrus). However, increasing population densities around wetland margins in East Africa are reducing the extent of papyrus coverage due to the planting of subsistence crops such as Colocasia esculenta (cocoyam). In this paper we assess the impact of this land use change on the carbon cycle and in particular the impacts of land conversion on net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange. Eddy covariance techniques were used, on a campaign basis, to measure fluxes of carbon dioxide over both papyrus and cocoyam dominated wetlands located on the Ugandan shore of Lake Victoria. Peak rates of net photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, derived from monthly diurnal averages of net ecosystem exchange, of 28-35 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 and 15-20 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 were recorded in the papyrus and cocoyam wetlands respectively, while night time respiratory losses ranged between 10-15 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 at the papyrus wetland and 5-10 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 at the cocoyam site. The integration of the flux data suggest that papyrus wetlands have the potential to act as a sink for significant amounts of carbon, in the region of 10 t C ha−1 yr−1. The cocoyam vegetation assimilated ~7 t C ha−1 yr−1 but when carbon exports from crop biomass removal were accounted for these wetlands represent a significant net loss of carbon of similar magnitude. The development of sustainable wetland management strategies are therefore required, to promote the dual wetland function of crop production and the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions especially under future climate change scenarios.
Werner et al 2007. A global inventory of N2O emissions from tropical rainforest soils
Werner, C., K. Butterbach-Bahl, E. Haas, T. Hickler, and R. Kiese (2007), A global inventory of N2O emissions from tropical rainforest soils using a detailed biogeochemical model, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 21, GB3010, doi:10.1029/2006GB002909.
Beside agricultural soils, tropical rainforest soils are the main source of atmospheric N2O. Current estimates of the global N2O source strength of tropical rainforest soils are still based on rather simplistic upscaling approaches and do have a large range of uncertainty. In this study, the biogeochemical ForestDNDC-tropica model was recalibrated and intensively tested on the site scale prior to inventory calculations. For this, the model was coupled to a newly developed global GIS database holding relevant information on model initialization and driving parameters in 0.25° × 0.25° resolution. On average, the mean annual N2O emission source strength of rainforests ecosystems worldwide for the 10-year-period 1991–2000 was calculated to be 1.2 kg N2O-N ha−1 yr−1. Using a total rainforest area of 10.9 × 106 km2, this amounts to a total source strength of 1.34 Tg N yr−1. The result of an initialization parameter uncertainty assessment using Latin Hypercube sampling revealed that the global source strength of N2O emissions from tropical rainforests may range from 0.88 to 2.37 Tg N yr−1. Our calculations also show that N2O emissions do vary substantially on spatial and temporal scales. Regional differences were mainly caused by differences in soil properties, whereas the pronounced seasonal and interannual variability was driven by climate variability. Our work shows that detailed biogeochemical models are a valuable tool for assessing biosphere-atmosphere exchange even on a global scale. However, further progress and a narrowing of the uncertainty range do crucially depend on the availability of more detailed field measurements for model testing and an improvement of the quality of spatial data sets on soil and vegetation properties.
Beside agricultural soils, tropical rainforest soils are the main source of atmospheric N2O. Current estimates of the global N2O source strength of tropical rainforest soils are still based on rather simplistic upscaling approaches and do have a large range of uncertainty. In this study, the biogeochemical ForestDNDC-tropica model was recalibrated and intensively tested on the site scale prior to inventory calculations. For this, the model was coupled to a newly developed global GIS database holding relevant information on model initialization and driving parameters in 0.25° × 0.25° resolution. On average, the mean annual N2O emission source strength of rainforests ecosystems worldwide for the 10-year-period 1991–2000 was calculated to be 1.2 kg N2O-N ha−1 yr−1. Using a total rainforest area of 10.9 × 106 km2, this amounts to a total source strength of 1.34 Tg N yr−1. The result of an initialization parameter uncertainty assessment using Latin Hypercube sampling revealed that the global source strength of N2O emissions from tropical rainforests may range from 0.88 to 2.37 Tg N yr−1. Our calculations also show that N2O emissions do vary substantially on spatial and temporal scales. Regional differences were mainly caused by differences in soil properties, whereas the pronounced seasonal and interannual variability was driven by climate variability. Our work shows that detailed biogeochemical models are a valuable tool for assessing biosphere-atmosphere exchange even on a global scale. However, further progress and a narrowing of the uncertainty range do crucially depend on the availability of more detailed field measurements for model testing and an improvement of the quality of spatial data sets on soil and vegetation properties.
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